for me i think the buffy the vampire slayer and angel romance had better chemistry then the twilight robert pattinson and kristen stewart relationship.
but i guess the buffy and angel relationship from buffy the vampire tv series is old news now with the buffy series being over 10 years old now.
but just to compare the two different love themed story lines i do think the buffy tv series was slightly more involved.
this might be though down to watching 100 of hours of all the buffy series as the series ran for probably a 100 episodes when it was a tv hit back in the early 2000's and late 1990's.
robert pattinson and kristen stewart

buffy and angel

who looks the best out of these similar pictures of robert pattinson and kristen stewart versus buffy and angel???.
this video below is a really good look at the buffy and angel love story.
The Buffy/Angel Story youtube video
"A tribute to Buffy and Angel. I just love this couple so I tried to go through their best moments and put them together. Hope you enjoy! I decided to do this vid b/c too many people I talk to don't know the B/A storyline.-- so this is in efforts of promoting BtVS =D
Background music is the instrumental version of Never Say Never by The Fray.
1x01- Welcome to the Hellmouth
B: Why are you following me?
A: I know what you're thinking, but don't worry- I don't bite.
1x02- The Harvest
B: Look, if you're going to be popping up with this cryptic wise man act on a regular basis... could you at least tell me your name?
A: Angel
1x07 Angel
A: I gotta walk away from this.
B: I know
1x11- Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Giles: A vampire in love with a slayer... It's rather poetic.
2x12- Bad Eggs
B: Angel, when I look into the future... all I see is you. All I want is you.
A: I know the feeling.
2x13- Surprise
A: They exchanged this as a sign of devotion. Wear it with the heart pointing towards you... it means you belong to somebody.
A: I love you.
2x14 Innocence
Jenny C: The curse. If Angel achieved true happiness- even just a moment of- he would lose his soul.
B: Angel, there must be some part of you- inside- that still remembers who you are.
A: Dream on schoolgirl. Your boyfriend is dead.
3x03- Faith, Hope, and Trick
B: Spell worked at the last minute- it was Angel again. It was too late.
3x04 Beauty and the Beasts
Giles: There's no record of anyone returning from a demon dimension.
B: Angel somehow found his way back to Sunnydale. He would have been down there for 100s of years- of torture.
Giles: It would take someone of extraordinary will and character to survive that and retain any assemblance of self.
A: You still my girl?
B: Always.
3x08 Lover's Walk
Spike: You're not friends. You'll be in love til it kills you both. Love isn't brains, children. It's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work its will.
3x18 Earshot
A: 243 years, I've loved exactly one person.
3x10 Amends
A: You could never understand what I've done. Am I thing worth saving? Am I a righteous man?
B: I love you so much. I tried to make you go away. And I hate it. I hate that it's so hard, and that you can hurt me so much.
3x20 The Prom
A: I've been thinking. It's about our future. You deserve something outside of demons and darkness. Someone that could take you into the light...someone who could make love to you.
B: I don't care about that.
A: You will.
B: I want my life to be with you.
A: I don't.
3x22- Graduation Day II
A: I'm just gonna go.
1x08 I Will Remember You
A: Buffy and I were attacked by some kind of demon. It's blood mixed with mine. I'm mortal now.
B: You just took a whole 24 hours to weight the ups and downs of being a regular joe and decided it was more fun being a superhero?
A: How can we be together if the cost is your life?
B: How am I supposed to go on with my life? Knowing what we had? What we could have had?
1x19 Sanctuary
A: You found someone new. I'm not allowed to, remember? I see you again- it cuts me up inside.
7x05 Selfless
B: I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life.
7x22 Chosen (finale)
B: I do. Sometimes think that far ahead.
A: Sometimes is something.
B: It'd be a long time coming. Years, if ever.
A: I ain't getting any older."
buffy and angel versus twilight's robert pattinson and kristen stewart?, who is best watch the buffy video as well to decide!, with the new buffy the vampire slayer 2 film coming out in 2012 as well, so that might make it a debate.