Tuesday, 16 March 2010

twilight the game online, free online twilight games, edge of twilight not a twilight game, mobile phone twilight games

just looking online and there are lots of free twilight games, and many different types of twilight games for the computer online and also mobile phone twilight games as well.

twilight also has a official computer and console game out i think.

also found a game called edge of twilight but this is not a twilight themed games as in twilight the books and movies, edge of twilight looks to be more of a action 3rd person shoot em up game in a post apocalyptic world.

so edge of twilight game is twilight in all but name, edge of twilight is for the ps3 xbox 360 etc, but not a twilight vampire based game, just a action game.

i am going to have a look and see if there is a twilight new moon computer/internet/console game out to play.

twilight games about bella swan and edward cullen


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